Educational Programs

Educational Program Request Form (Word Doc)

Educational Program Request Form (Fillable PDF)

As a police agency, we are committed to community policing that involves all members of our campus in the prevention of crime and disorderly behavior. The Buffalo State University Police Department provides educational programs to students, faculty, and staff to promote personal safety, increase campus security, and deter crime.

University Police presents the following programs in the residence halls and to classes during the semester:

Run. Hide. Fight. Surviving an active shooter situation

Surviving an active shooter situation

Training Sessions

Rape Aggression Defense (RAD) - 12 Hour Course

If you are interested in enrolling for a future RAD class, please complete the registration form and email it to*.

For women only. Participants must attend ALL sessions to complete the course.

Upon receipt of registration, students will be contacted with details of location and proper attire.
No cost for students, faculty, or staff.

Pre-registration required.  Please complete the RAD program registration form if interested in attending. It may be submitted either by email or in person at the UPD Dispatch in Chase Hall 127


Please note that our email is not monitored 24/7. Call (716) 878-6333 to report anything that requires immediate attention.

Learn more about the RAD Systems
RAD Program logo